Treat Your Chemically Damaged Hair With 10 Best Tips (Part 1)

how to treat your damaged hair - from ete saigon - hair happiness

Chemically damaged hair can be an annoying side effect of keeping up with your favourite hair colour or hairstyle trends. When these harmful chemicals affect your beloved hair, it is vital to have tricks to revert the strands. Then, what are the tips to treat your chemically damaged hair? Let’s find out in today’s blog from ETE Saigon - Hair Happiness

1. Shampoo less often

The natural oils produced by your scalp help to reduce objective damages from chemicals, heat and other environmental factors. These oils are especially essential for chemically damaged hair, so you should not remove them from your hair too often. This is because every time you wash your hair, shampoo not only cleanses the dirt from it but also the oils of the scalp. 

Wash your hair less often

We suggest that you reduce the frequency of your hair washing habit. Additionally, when ending the shampooing process, rinse your hair thoroughly with cool water to seal the cuticle. By doing this, your hair will look healthier and shinier. 

2. Apply conditioner regularly 

When being chemically damaged, your hair is more likely to deal with structural issues, along with deep dehydration. Conditioner plays an important role in fusing moisture back into your strands. Moreover, it helps to rebuild your hair shaft with nourishing and strengthening ingredients. 

Condition your hair more frequently

Apart from typical conditioners, you can try using hair masks containing super hydrating deep conditioning. These masks will help to treat your chemically damaged hair with newfound strength and shine. 

3. Dry your hair properly

Altogether, you should avoid exposing your chemically damaged hair to heat. In this case, air-drying is the best option for you and your beloved hair. Just gently wrap your hair in a towel after shampooing. This helps to pull out excess water before letting it hang free to dry.

Let your hair air-dry

If you are in a rush and have to blow-dry your hair, make sure that you keep it about 12 inches from your hair and lower the heat. Also, you ought to move the blow dryer continuously to reduce the damage from heat. 

4. Brush your hair gently

Something you may have not known is that even brushing can cause hair breakage. To minimize the risk of this problem, treat your chemically damaged hair with brushes that are specifically designed to hair detangling. 

Brush your hair gently with the right tools

One more thing that you should keep in mind is to only comb your hair when it is completely dry. The reason for this is because your hair is in its most vulnerable state when wet, which is the worst time to run any comb through it. 

5. Get frequent hair trims

As we have already mentioned in our previous article, split ends are among the signs of chemically damaged hair. To prevent your hair from further damage and bring back its amazing shade, it is necessary to get your hair trimmed once every 6 months. 

Trim the ends of your hair more regularly

Besides split ends, heat and chemicals can also cause hair fall or weakened hair follicles. As these elements start impacting, the strands begin to lose their luster and look visibly damaged. To help your hair recover, it is vital to get rid of the damaged hair first to allow the cuticle to break free from the dry ends. In other words, trimming your hair optimizes the effect of nourishing ingredients like oils or leave-in conditioners on the ends. 

Among these above hair care hacks, have you found anything suitable for you and your hair? If not, don’t hesitate to look for other tips from ETE Saigon - Hair Happiness to treat your chemically damaged hair here in part 2.